Submit a Dream
Do you feel drawn to understanding the intention of your dreams? For a complimentary personal response from Christa and Marc, we invite you to send us a dream.
Christa Lancaster
Christa Lancaster has practiced archetypal dreamwork with individual clients since 1991. Christa has taught classes, lead archetypal dreamwork retreats in the leading retreat centers in the US and supervised clients, all of which she continues to do. Her memoir in progress recounts the story of moving out of trauma, guided by her dreams to healing and deeper spiritual consciousness.
An excerpt from her book, entitled Dar in January will appear in the June edition of The Calendula Review, an online literary journal of narrative medicine. She lives and works with Marc, her partner in love and work, and their two Bichon boys, Max and NeNe.

Marc Bregman
Marc Bregman is the founder of North of Eden Archetypal Dreamwork. He has authored eight books. For over five decades he has taught hundreds of students. Marc has taught on the faculty of Esalen, Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, Hollyhock Center and Breitenbush. He continues to work in one on one sessions with clients, supervise therapists and co-lead archetypal dreamwork retreats in the mountains of New Mexico.
His work is featured in Rodger Kamenetz’s book: The History of Last Night’s Dream and Henry Shukman’s spiritual memoir, One Blade of Grass. He lives outside Santa Fe, New Mexico, on the Galisteo Basin amidst bobcats, coyotes and ravens.
Books & Media
Dreams Are the Journey to the Soul
The wisdom of a dream curriculum works on every level of human awareness.
The dreams show us what’s blocking us.
They bring support to increase our capacity to feel.
They invite us to open to different states beneath the guard rail of the protective ego.
They stand with us as we feel both terror and sorrow.
So they will not re-traumatize us, ever.
But will lead us through the descent into our unresolved trauma,
Only when we are ready.
Only once we know the protective love within us.
Then, they may give us experiences of awakened or unitive consciousness.
What we call, ‘The Filigree.’
Archetypal Dreamwork incorporates the healing of our old patterns, our deepest wounds and brings us through the portal to an ineffable state of love, or grace, or peace.
At the speed just right for each of us.
There is no one-size-fits all map.
The dreams create your distinct journey.
Your own inner road map, designed for you, by your wisdom unconscious.
Your unique schedule of healing and awakening.
All the way through.